Where'd the Trees Go?

Posted by LWATC WebMaster on Sunday, May 03, 2015 8:51:12 AM

Some of you may have noticed that there's a rather large project underway to remove trees and bushes along Lake Park Drive. In an effort to help beautify that block we are replacing this growth with new trees and bushes that will give us the following benefits:
  • The risk of trees falling on houses will be minor
  • The risk of trees damaging the community wall will be minor
  • The proposed bushes and trees will be more symmetrical
  • The new landscaping will be far easier to maintain
As you drive up/down Lake Park Drive you'll see that much of the removal on one side is nearly complete. Next will come stump grinding and brush removal. We're working towards improving the community.

From: LWATC WebMaster
When: Saturday, May 09, 2015 6:27:09 PM
Update: the landscaping is moving along, but your patience will be appreciated. There are a lot of people involved and we want it to all come out right.

From: LWATC WebMaster
When: Tuesday, July 14, 2015 6:54:00 AM
Update: We've finalized a plan with the county and should be starting the replanting in the coming week or two.

From: LWATC WebMaster
When: Wednesday, August 26, 2015 7:40:12 PM
Final Update: The works is done! Let us know what you think.

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